
cooking dating frugality family parenting metal detecting jewelry Captain Awkward health lost and found ring recipes Gifts parents divorce pregnancy friendship siblings romance fashion Christmas employment work sex academics cancer productivity grandparents neighbors cats good deed sleep training abuse conversation grieving thesis stalking relationships food grief AITA farming trucking overtime community couples creeps baby names gamedevelopment goose self-improvement addiction lecithin harassment support thai food catnip safes eating disorders homophobia mushrooms marriage infertility truckers families transitioning university of waterloo disability mystery pets crows butter sheep adoption Scientific American smoking fantasy networking illustration mysteries MIT real estate metaldetecting octopus gardens movies sexual orientation New Jersey death eulogies communication scavengerhunt dumping safe license hyperfixation test good deeds halloween toddlers ThriftStoreHauls pad thai trash archaology shopping recycling DIY recipe relationship advice auctions book covers masks safe-cracking depression finances Austin speech therapy plague doctors Amalah science haircuts nicotine rings estrangement cakes A Wrinkle octopus No Way Home nursing COVID dentists Guiness eldenring stew rent fees charity law cat wedding dresses pasta weed baltimore bidding transgender issues attribution male fashion technology costumes death infants sleep new year’s resolutions funerals mothers gender reveal proposals job interviews coworkers neighbours zerowaste Batman computergames autism illness copper Spider-Man Santa weddings LGBT+ graduateschool native american theft anniversaries decor phone diamonds blood pressure eating NPR art narcissism geese speech development knitting organizing reddit toxicmasculinity babies travel tattoos privacy cleaning children artefact MBARI baking Thanksgiving

WIBTA if I told my brother that I know about his sexual preference? June 1, 2024
Won property at an auction and auctioneers expect us to pay £4,800 buyer’s premium (that was not disclosed in their Terms & Conditions) February 26, 2024
Shave and a haircut February 20, 2024
SheepFarm February 18, 2024
One Year One Outfit February 16, 2024
Pretty little woman don’t have a clue I’m proposing tomorrow February 14, 2024
Overtime February 10, 2024
NoFashionSense February 8, 2024
I emailed the devs of my game hyperfixation about how much I love their game February 4, 2024
My Boyfriend is a Nurse February 2, 2024
I just washed my daughter’s phone. She died in 2018. January 31, 2024
My neighbor is mad I am legally allowed to smoke weed. January 29, 2024
I’d like to invite you guys to a private screening of No Way Home December 30, 2023
What To Do When You Suspect Your Child Is Speech Delayed December 25, 2023
Cribs, Toddler Beds…and New Siblings December 24, 2023
Image post: Picked up the cake today December 22, 2023
Fuck it, if this post receives 2000 upvotes I will tattoo a goose on my ass December 14, 2023
Catch and release hobo Santa December 12, 2023
I’m gifting homemade compound butter for Christmas. December 10, 2023
Gifting functional gifts is the best way to go December 6, 2023
Pot roast or Guinness beef stew for Christmas dinner December 4, 2023
Goodbye, Hello November 28, 2023
Anybody forever alone this Thanksgiving? Come eat some bird with us. November 20, 2023
Can crows recognize someone in a Halloween costume? October 31, 2023
Quit smoking yesterday and am really dizzy October 28, 2023
Asking the girl out at my dentist office October 27, 2023
Exit pursued by creepy dude October 26, 2023
Rent is too damn high in Austin October 25, 2023
Do I tell him? October 24, 2023
My female friend kissed me October 23, 2023
Ten Year Update October 21, 2023
Rules of the game October 20, 2023
Getting Divorced October 19, 2023
How do I know when to ask her out? October 18, 2023
Going Broke October 17, 2023
First Time Eulogist October 11, 2023
COVID Dating October 10, 2023
Teen dad October 4, 2023
One room, Two Bedtimes October 3, 2023
I met too many men with the same unpleasant personality October 2, 2023
My 14 year old granddaughter and I have become estranged October 1, 2023
Conceiving After Cancer September 29, 2023
How to Embrace Transgender Family Member September 28, 2023
A coworker invited herself along on my vacation September 27, 2023
I’m losing my hearing and my patience with my dad’s girlfriend (among other things) September 26, 2023
Gracefully exiting from conversations September 25, 2023
Baby names, opinions, and old wounds September 24, 2023
My mom went snooping through my stuff and found my sex toys September 23, 2023
Asshole to Engish Translation September 22, 2023
Baby Sleep Training and the Older Sibling September 21, 2023
A Mystery That Should Not Exist September 20, 2023
Breakup second thoughts September 19, 2023
Deep sea octopus gardens intrigue scientists September 18, 2023
Found Gold MIT PHD Class Ring September 17, 2023
Trucker Cat September 16, 2023
Got my CE license test on monday! September 16, 2023
Help I promised my wife a couple mushroom focused dishes for her birthday dinner, but I absolutely hate mushrooms. September 15, 2023
Today’s find is this ring, it was found on the site of a medieval sunken village. However, no idea of the age. Any Info is appreciated! September 14, 2023
What to do about neighbors stealing? September 13, 2023
My recent bling find, yes it’s real! (2 pictures) September 12, 2023
A massive dump of pasta in New Jersey September 11, 2023
Feeling slighted and unmoored in a friendship and looking for ways to connect. September 10, 2023
Can you open this mysterious safe? September 9, 2023
I’m moving in with my girlfriend and now my homophobic parents want to disown me September 8, 2023
Got my first non-recovery gold find yesterday! 10k class ring from a Trinity College there are several with the initials “AB” and a class year of 1927 September 7, 2023
10k class ring from 1979. I’ve already called the high school and they will be back in touch with me with some information on Oscar. Hopefully I can get this one returned! I will be sure to update y’all! September 6, 2023
It was a good day! 1817 largie, 1827 1/2 Skilling, a beautiful spoon, and odds and ends. The wedge thing is solid copper. My friend thinks it’s native American. September 5, 2023
Getting groceries today, doc said i need to bring my blood pressure down. Sadly I’m a terrible cook. Help? September 4, 2023
No-Buy Week (or two) for Groceries? September 3, 2023
Looking for Pad Thai Tips September 2, 2023
I’m spending $500 a month on food and I have to stop September 1, 2023
Parents, appearance, and opinions August 31, 2023
Question re: homemade non-stick cooking spray using oil-water-lecithin August 22, 2023
My new years resolution was to cook 50 new recipes that I had never tried before. Almost halfway through the years and I am hitting a wall at #18. Any ideas for recipes? August 21, 2023
AITA for wanting to move out over lemonade? August 18, 2023
QuiltGuy August 17, 2023
Help a clueless wife August 15, 2023
Best Way to Spend Unexpected $75 on Groceries? August 15, 2023
After 6 months of planning and swatching I finally cast on my wedding dress with a little over six months to go… wish me luck! August 14, 2023
What’s a healthier alternative to soy sauce on plain white rice? August 13, 2023
We eat breakfast, most lunches, and most dinners at home, shop at Winco (cheaper grocery store), and still somehow spend $800 a month for TWO people just on groceries (not including the 7ish times a month we eat out). What are we doing wrong?! August 12, 2023
Movingtoaverylimitedkitchen August 11, 2023
Y’all Have Inspired Me To Buy A Slow-Cooker August 10, 2023
I quit drinking alcohol and I lost some weight, but I’m still drinking soda (cane sugar style) but I want to cut it out, too. What can I drink instead? August 10, 2023
Told the hiring manager for my internship: for that salary, July 15, 2023
Can’t find the motivation to write my thesis July 7, 2023