I quit drinking alcohol and I lost some weight, but I’m still drinking soda (cane sugar style) but I want to cut it out, too. What can I drink instead?

This is a repost blog.

Original posts by SpaceForceAwakens on r/EatCheapAndHealthy on Reddit

10 April 2020: I quit drinking alcohol and I lost some weight, but I’m still drinking soda (cane sugar style) but I want to cut it out, too. What can I drink instead?

I drink a couple of cups of coffee during the day and I dislike tea. What other options are there? Are there any sugar-free sodas that do not suck and taste like kissing grandma? I like the idea of the cane sugar sodas simply because the calorie density is supposed to be lower than that of sodas with HFCS, but I’ve only recently started counting the calories, and whoa.

What do?

Click through above link to read discussion and suggestions.

13 April 2020: Update: I have found new low-calorie drink awesomeness, thanks to this subreddit.

I posted a request for ideas a few days ago for a way to help me cut out soda while still having something to drink throughout the evening. It used to be beer, but now I’m trying to be more healthy, and you guys had a lot of great advice. Like, a lot of advice. You guys are awesome.

The idea that appealed to be the most, by /u/Meewol, was to add some fruit juice to seltzer. I realized just a bit ago that I have a couple cans of LaCroix lime. In addition, I had some Jarritos Mandarin.

So I took a full can of LaCroix to about 1/4 small bottle of Jarritos Mandarin, and this is my new favorite thing. From my math, that’s about 22-25 calories a glass, and it delicious without being overly sweet.

I just got back from the store where I got some mango Jorritos as well as LaCroix. I shall report back.

But thanks, people. I think I’ll stay awhile.

Remember, this is a repost blog! If you comment here, the original poster is not going to see it.

August 10, 2023