How do I know when to ask her out?

This is a repost blog.

Original posts by u/jangens1122 on subreddit r/dating.

7 Feb 2022: How do I know when to ask her out?

I have 0 dating experience, never kissed anyone, nothing, but this girl I’m pretty interested in seems like she’s throwing hints, I think, we’ve known each other since elementary school, and the other day she told me that in the second grade I gave her some dandelions and how happy that made her, like out of the blue, we texted a little after that, I also said I had a crush on her during elementary, still do I guess, but she never really texted me first, and her replies also felt very dead ended. But now we have rehearsals together for a production (she’s an actor, I’m a techie) and it felt like every time I looked over at her she smiled at me and gave me what I think were the eyes”. No idea, idk I feel like something is there, but our paths don’t really cross that much other than rehearsals, so there isn’t any room for small talk and such. Even if I muster the courage to ask her out, I don’t know what we’d do, like dinner seems kinda cheesy. I could go on and on about all my uncertainties. Just know that anything that may seem obvious I most likely have no clue. So please help me out. I appreciate it

10 Feb 2022: Update: WE DID IT BOYS!!!!

I did it, I really did it, I asked a girl out on a date and she said yes! We are going out on wensday, when I asked I didn’t even say what I wanted to do, but Made sure to specify it was a date. She said that her parents would only allow her to go on a double date, so that’s a hurtle, but shouldn’t be too big of a deal( I hope)

Basically the script I had in my head was hey, can I talk to you for a sec, walks to a somewhat private area so I’ve been really into you for a while and I was wondering if you would be down to go on a date with me?”

What I ended up saying because of nerves was hey, so I really like you, would you wanna go out on a date with me?” Not quite what I had in mind but it got the point across, she said yeah sure and explained the whole double date thing and said if you can find another couple I’d for sure be down so yeah, awesome sauce with a cherry on top. First time I’ve ever actually attempted to ask anyone out. So I’m gonna see if a couple friends of mine wanna go out with us. I’m hoping this double date thing doesn’t last though because it seems hard to progress in a relationship if every date is a chore trying to find someone to join us. But I was thinking us and his couple go out to some not fancy restaurant, like costa vida or a local cheesesteak place I like. Then we go see a movie and I drop her off, maaaaaybe get a kiss. I won’t be too ambitious. I’ve also never kissed anyone either. Also, when it comes to dinner and movie. Do I pay for her? No idea. I wanna wanna thank the 4 people who commented on my last post. Y’all really gave me the confidence to do this. And I am eternally grateful for y’all helping me achieve this massive milestone in my life. Thanks everyone, I will continue to update


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October 18, 2023