After 6 months of planning and swatching I finally cast on my wedding dress with a little over six months to go… wish me luck!

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Original posts by u/nyc89jenny4 on r/knitting and other subs on Reddit

In order to respect copyright on nyc89jenny4s work, images are only linked, not reproduced here. Click through to original posts to view images.

11 Dec 2022: After 6 months of planning and swatching I finally cast on my wedding dress with a little over six months to go… wish me luck!

25 Jan 2023: Update on my wedding dress!

I think I might have made the waist too big D: so I’m doing some gentle blocking to see if that helps… since I started with a provisional cast on I’m thinking I can just start with a row of decreases when I start the bodice part and that’ll fix the waist…

I’d love to get your opinions though!

27 February 2023: Making progress on my wedding dress!

Doing some very loose blocking before I connect everything to knit in the round. I think I’m gonna need a longer cord…

25 April 2023: UPDATE on my wedding dress!

Feeling a little down to the wire but there’s still hope!

29 April 2023: Help finding a pattern for my wedding dress

I’m trying to sew a lining for my knitted wedding dress and ordinarily I’d just try to draft it myself but with less than two months till my wedding I’d really like to find a pattern that I don’t have to alter too much. I know exactly what I want but I haven’t been able to find a pattern that fits all my requirements. I’m hoping it’s because I’m just bad at searching for patterns…

I’m looking for a sleeveless dress with princess seams, a v-neck front, low back, and a full circle skirt. Seems simple enough… but I haven’t had much luck…

16 May 2023: UPDATE: Finished the skirt for my wedding dress!

I finished the skirt with 31 days to go! It’s so big I can’t block it all at once! I want a straight hem so I’m blocking it on the cables before I bind off…

24 June 2023: I finished my wedding dress!

I’m so excited to finally show you my finished dress! In all it took about 160 hours over 6 months to complete. There were definitely times when I didn’t think I was gonna finish it, but I’m so glad I kept going! Thank you for all your encouragement!


Spoilers: it looks great!

Remember, this is a repost blog! If you comment here, the original poster is not going to see it.

August 14, 2023