What’s a healthier alternative to soy sauce on plain white rice?

This is a repost blog.

Original posts by u/hopeless_hobo on r/EatCheapAndHealthy on Reddit

1 Sept 2016: What’s a healthier alternative to soy sauce on plain white rice?

I need to be eating a lot of rice to save money but soy sauce isn’t the healthiest thing and it gets boring.

What’s a healthy alternative?

Click through above link to read discussion and suggestions.

4 Sept 2016: Update: alternatives to soy sauce on white rice.

I bought 3 types of furikake; chicken beef and veggie flavored (i think).

Asked for tamari (wheat/gluten-free sou sauce) but the clerks had no idea what it is. which was surprising since it is a Japanese product.

I got a tiny bottle of Bulldog brand worchestire sauce.

Couldn’t find gochujang and they’d never heard of it. I tried two different grocery stores.

Bought Korean laver (seaweed wraps).

sesame seeds, sesame oil. Chicken broth boillon cubes. Butter. Red hot sauce.

I ended up passing on the Italian salad dressing on rice suggestion because it sounded too weird to me, at the last minute.


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August 13, 2023