My new years resolution was to cook 50 new recipes that I had never tried before. Almost halfway through the years and I am hitting a wall at #18. Any ideas for recipes?

This is a repost blog.

Original posts by u/creditor93 on subreddit r/EatCheapandHealthy and other subs on Reddit

16 May 2019: My new years resolution was to cook 50 new recipes that I had never tried before. Almost halfway through the years and I am hitting a wall at #18. Any ideas for recipes?

I am really open to anything. I did this to challenge myself since I am new to cooking for myself and my ever grateful boyfriend haha. Could be breakfast, lunch, or dinner, or even dessert. Just need some ideas so I can keep trucking along.

Edit: Wow this blew up!! Thank you everyone for all your suggestions. This is amazing. Will definitely be scrolling through these after work :D

Second Edit: Still shocked at how much attention this is getting. I love it. Thanks everyone for your thoughtful responses. Wanted to add that I have an instant pot, a cast iron pan, an immersion blender, and a zoodle cutter in case that sparks any further inspiration. Again thank you all. Will have to post an update when I cook some of these ideas.

Edit #3: I’m all the way up to 42!! I’ve made shakshuka and chicken pot pie as suggestions from here. Will post a full list once it’s all over and done with.

29 Dec 2010: My New Years Resolution for 2019 was to make 50 New Recipes to challenge myself to branch out and learn new things! I am proud to say I achieved my goal!

You may remember my old post from several months ago asking for suggestions. Thanks to all of you I reached my goal and made a TON of stuff.

Also a list of all the things I made! Some didn’t have recipes per se. Some I just improvised. But if anyone wants the rough recipe, I’m happy to link or type it out.

Thanks again to everyone. This has been the most fun challenge and the only time I’ve ever kept a resolution in my life.

All 50 recipes:

1 Spaghetti Squash Shrimp Scampi

2 Guacamole

3 Instant Pot Oatmeal

4 Salt and Pepper Chicken (on the grill)

5 Aloo Jeera (Potatoes with Cumin)

6 Peanut Butter Oat Energy Balls

7 Terriyaki Chicken and Rice

8 Veggie Cous Cous

9 Cajun Shrimp and Rice

10 Black Bean Burgers

11 Chicken Alfredo

12 Chicken Tikka Masala

13 Jiffy Corn Bread in Cast Iron

14 Turkey Chili

15 Blackened Salmon

16 Sweet and Sour Shrimp Stir Fry

17 Cast Iron Chicken Thighs

18 Cast Iron Asparagus

19 Daal Makhani (Lentils)

20 Crispy Pan Seared Salmon

21 Biscuits and Gravy

22 Aloo Gobi

23 Kale and Brussel Sprouts Salad

24 Cast Iron Mac and Cheese

25 Instant Pot Mexican Rice

26 Chicken Fajitas

27 Hummus

28 Pickled Red Onions

29 Braised Chicken Thighs

30 Shrimp Perloo

31 Kale Chips

32 Buffalo Cauliflower Bites

33 Shakshuka

34 Cabbage Vegetable Soup

35 Buffalo Smashed Potatoes

36 Cold Peanut Noodle Salad

37 Falafel

38 Risotto on the stove top

39 Chicken Pot Pie

40 Cast Iron Pizza

41 Chicken Tortellini Soup (AKA Upvote Soup)

42 Butternut Squash Soup

43 Chicken Sharwama

44 Dutch Baby

45 Green Bean Casserole

46 Stuffing for Thanksgiving

47 Dutch Oven Bread

48 Coconut Macaroons

49 Instant Pot Risotto

50 Sugar Cookies


Remember, this is a repost blog! If you comment here, the original poster is not going to see it.

August 21, 2023