Can’t find the motivation to write my thesis

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Original posts by Star1014light in r/GradSchool on reddit.

17 Apr 2021: Can’t find the motivation to write my thesis

I managed to get all my interviews done and read more papers than I could count, and began analyzing them when I somehow managed to get myself into an unproductive slump. I haven’t written a word in a couple months and I should submit it by June.

I’ve been feeling paralyzed and every time I open my laptop I sit there for hours just staring at it. I don’t know what to do. Do I have enough time? I’m worried and anxious but can’t convince my brain to just work.

Anyone has any advice on how to get back to work properly?

03 May 2021: UPDATE

A few weeks ago I posted that I couldn’t get myself to start writing my thesis (post on profile) and I want to thank everyone for all the great advice given to me! If anyone ever finds themselves stuck, then I highly highly recommend everything that was mentioned there.

It took me more time, sadly, I just felt immobilized by fear and avoided it like the plague, but I finally sat down and wrote the first chapter today!! The thing that worked for me was the Five minute rule”. I set a timer for 5 minutes and told myself that’s all I need to do, once I broke the barrier and started working, it took off!!

Wish me luck to finish everything on time :) and thank you everyone again.

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July 7, 2023