My neighbor is mad I am legally allowed to smoke weed.

This is a repost blog.

Original posts by u/colliewolliee on r/trees on Reddit

11 Aug 2023: My neighbor is mad I am legally allowed to smoke weed.

Weed is now legal recreationally in my state, yay! We’re one of the states that allows public smoking, unless a town/city has ordinances against it (my town doesn’t).

I was smoking in my front porch the other day, happy as can be that I can smoke and not feel worried about being seen. Then my neighbor comes out, sees me, and goes off. She starts screaming to her husband that the state is gonna go to shit now because of legal weed, saying I shouldn’t be allowed to smoke in my porch.

I just laughed and pretended like she wasn’t there. She wanted to come yell at me, but her husband told her no and to leave it alone because it’s legal and they can’t do anything about it.

Our poor children are gonna grow up thinking weed is okay!!”

Like, c’mon lady 😂🙄

The next day, she saw me smoking again and decided to walk over to give me a lecture on why weed is bad and how sad she is that I’m not choosing to be more discreet. She said she was gonna call the cops, so I simply explained the law to her and told her she might wanna look it up. So she did, which made her more mad. She didn’t say anything else, just walked back to her house.

Now I hear her in her house screaming and crying about how fucked up the state is, saying she wants to move states immediately.

Why is this lady having a full blown panic attack over me smoking some green in my fucking porch? 🤣

UPDATE: Her husband walked over this morning to talk to me!

He told me that they decided to look up some more stuff about weed last night to understand more about it. I guess her parents raised her to think weed was a hard drug as if it were meth or heroin.

He then asked me if it was alright that she come talk to me later, I told him that was fine, so we shall see what she says later today 😆

UPDATE #2: I just wanted to add this before the update - The morning she saw me smoking was when I was using my bong, so it was quite obvious it was weed 😆

Anyways, back to the update! She came over to my yard to talk this evening.

She apologized to me right away. Told me she was embarrassed, and said she was raised to think it was a hard drug, so she did research (thanks to her husband) and realized it wasn’t as bad as her parents made it seem.

I asked her if she could smell it from her house, and she told me she has never smelt it and thanked me for keeping my windows shut and for not smoking in front of the kids. I told her I’d continue to keep em’ shut and smoke out of sight, but she told me (shockingly) that I’m allowed to do what I want and I should be able to open them. (I’m still gonna keep them shut tbh lol)

She just didn’t want her kids to see me and think it is okay to do, but she promised she was going to teach her kids what its used for, when it should be used, and who can use it. She understands now that it isn’t bad. She said she doesn’t necessarily like it and needs time to adjust, but at least she understands.

I said No pressure, but if you ever want to try it, I’m willing to share.” She laughed and told me she’d keep that in mind 😁

I did not expect it to turn out this way at all, but I’m glad she came and apologized, and that we talked it out. And who knows, maybe one day she’ll come ask me for a rip, we’ll see! Thanks for everyone’s comments!

19 Aug 2023: UPDATE

GUYS! My neighbor smoked with me for her first time last night!!

She asked to come by because she had more questions, I answered them, and then I said My offer still stands”, and then she told me she’d take a little hit off my bowl.

My god, this woman coughed SO HARD😂 Immediately she looked at me and said (while coughing up a lung) How could I have been against this my whole life?! I haven’t felt this good in a long time!” We talked some more, she explained more about her childhood. And it made me quite sad for her, it explained so much about why she reacted the way she did.

Then before she left, I asked her if she wanted some edibles to try. She hesitated but said That sounds fun”, I gave her a tiny, tiny dose and told her to let me know how that goes for her😁

I’m so glad things turned out this way! Hopefully we have more smoke seshes together!

Remember, this is a repost blog! If you comment here, the original poster is not going to see it.

January 29, 2024