After 6 months of planning and swatching I finally cast on my wedding dress with a little over six months to go… wish me luck!
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Original posts by u/nyc89jenny4 on r/knitting and other subs on Reddit
In order to respect copyright on nyc89jenny4’s work, images are only linked, not reproduced here. Click through to original posts to view images.
25 Jan 2023: Update on my wedding dress!
I think I might have made the waist too big D: so I’m doing some gentle blocking to see if that helps… since I started with a provisional cast on I’m thinking I can just start with a row of decreases when I start the bodice part and that’ll fix the waist…
I’d love to get your opinions though!
27 February 2023: Making progress on my wedding dress!
Doing some very loose blocking before I connect everything to knit in the round. I think I’m gonna need a longer cord…
25 April 2023: UPDATE on my wedding dress!
Feeling a little down to the wire but there’s still hope!
29 April 2023: Help finding a pattern for my wedding dress
I’m trying to sew a lining for my knitted wedding dress and ordinarily I’d just try to draft it myself but with less than two months till my wedding I’d really like to find a pattern that I don’t have to alter too much. I know exactly what I want but I haven’t been able to find a pattern that fits all my requirements. I’m hoping it’s because I’m just bad at searching for patterns…
I’m looking for a sleeveless dress with princess seams, a v-neck front, low back, and a full circle skirt. Seems simple enough… but I haven’t had much luck…
16 May 2023: UPDATE: Finished the skirt for my wedding dress!
I finished the skirt with 31 days to go! It’s so big I can’t block it all at once! I want a straight hem so I’m blocking it on the cables before I bind off…
24 June 2023: I finished my wedding dress!
I’m so excited to finally show you my finished dress! In all it took about 160 hours over 6 months to complete. There were definitely times when I didn’t think I was gonna finish it, but I’m so glad I kept going! Thank you for all your encouragement!
Spoilers: it looks great!
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What’s a healthier alternative to soy sauce on plain white rice?
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Original posts by u/hopeless_hobo on r/EatCheapAndHealthy on Reddit
1 Sept 2016: What’s a healthier alternative to soy sauce on plain white rice?
I need to be eating a lot of rice to save money but soy sauce isn’t the healthiest thing and it gets boring.
What’s a healthy alternative?
Click through above link to read discussion and suggestions.
4 Sept 2016: Update: alternatives to soy sauce on white rice.
I bought 3 types of furikake; chicken beef and veggie flavored (i think).
Asked for tamari (wheat/gluten-free sou sauce) but the clerks had no idea what it is. which was surprising since it is a Japanese product.
I got a tiny bottle of Bulldog brand worchestire sauce.
Couldn’t find gochujang and they’d never heard of it. I tried two different grocery stores.
Bought Korean laver (seaweed wraps).
sesame seeds, sesame oil. Chicken broth boillon cubes. Butter. Red hot sauce.
I ended up passing on the Italian salad dressing on rice suggestion because it sounded too weird to me, at the last minute.
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We eat breakfast, most lunches, and most dinners at home, shop at Winco (cheaper grocery store), and still somehow spend $800 a month for TWO people just on groceries (not including the 7ish times a month we eat out). What are we doing wrong?!
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Original posts by u/rcw16 on r/EatCheapAndHealthy on Reddit
Click through above link to read discussion and suggestions.
14 July 2019: Update: You guys have saved us so much money!
I posted 6ish weeks ago here about how my husband and I were somehow spending $800 a month on groceries between the two of us and also going out to eat 7ish times a month. I’m not sure if I mentioned it there, but my husband was also eating out for lunch everyday and I was eating out 2-3x a week for lunch. I was blown away with the feedback I got (actually it was a little overwhelming—I was on vacation at the time and the notifications just wouldn’t stop. TBH I didn’t read all of them, but read most of them).
As soon as we got back from vacation I implemented some changes. I knew it wasn’t realistic to go full top ramen every meal every day; I wanted some balance. Here’s what I did:
-We started eating vegetarian meals 2-3 times per week. My husband and I both grew up eating meat at every meal and were surprised how full we could be without meat. We both love black bean burrito bowls, chickpea “gyro” pitas, and spaghetti with sauce from scratch (note: this is a tad bit more expensive than canned sauce or even basing it around canned tomatoes, but it works for us and the whole batch of spaghetti costs $5ish. I’m good with that.)
-When we do buy meat, I now always split the package up and freeze. Even the smallest pack of meat is more than enough for two of us, so we stretch our money a bit by getting two dishes out of it.
-I make enough for leftovers for lunch. I now structure meals around what my husband can easily take to work and heat up the next day. If it doesn’t make leftovers, we eat it on Friday or Saturday. Unfortunately, the way my job works, leftovers isn’t doable for me, but I’ve started bringing lunches that don’t need to be refrigerated and I can graze when I get a chance. This is still much cheaper than going out to lunch each day.
-We don’t go out to eat as much. I’m making an effort to use food before it expires (we had a lot of waste before) and now if we go out to eat, that usually means something is going to waste. That’s not to say we haven’t gone out at all, but it’s saved for times when I’ve had a shit day at work and just can’t make myself cook. We also have frozen homemade lasagnas in case that happens, but we’re learning balance here too.
-I started intermittent fasting. This wasn’t a “save money” move, but who knew that skipping breakfast and late night snacking would also save money? 🤷🏻♀️
These were all minor tweaks, in my opinion. Our grocery bill has gone down (from $200 a week to around $100-120 a week) and we’re saving by not eating out as much. I figured these small changes would save us maybe $100-200 a month. You guys. We’re saving $400-500 a month doing this!
Thank you so much for your help! We’ve been saving every spare penny we have to buy a house this year, and an extra $400-500 a month is HUGE in meeting our goal!
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Moving to a very limited kitchen… help!
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Original posts by u/silverbeat on r/EatCheapAndHealthy on Reddit
17 August 2014: Moving to a very limited kitchen… help!
In a couple of weeks I am moving to a new apartment where I’ll be living for the next two years while I am in college. The kitchen does not have a stove or an oven. What it does have is:
A two-burner hotplate
A toaster oven
A microwave
A small fridge/freezer (not a minifridge but not full-size either)
Lots of shelving and a decent amount of counter space
The place I’m moving to is a small farming town in the Catskills (NY) with a very active local food movement/community, the place I’m moving to is a working farm.
I am going to bring my crock pot, a george foreman grill, an electric kettle and a chemex coffeemaker. What else do you think I should pick up? Got any recipes to share? Anecdotal advice? How do I keep costs down with not much freezer space? Right now all I can think is salads, salads everywhere.
Click through above link to read discussion and suggestions.
1 Nov 2014: Update to “Moving to a very limited kitchen… help!”
Just posting an update in case anyone is interested or finds themselves in a similar situation.
Thank you guys so much for your replies! There were a lot of great tips :) Unfortunately when I first moved here I was so caught up in everything I fell victim to the dining halls and ate neither cheaply or healthily for a little while. But by the end of september I got my act together and i threw together an album of some of my typical meals, here:
I do still eat in the dining halls on occasion but I am working on losing these last stubborn 20lbs so it’s not that often. I eat somewhat paleo but more of a “whole foods” kind of diet: lots of veggies, meat, cheese/dairy (I live at a creamery), as little processed food as possible but I do still eat some (salad dressing, for instance). I try to buy most of my food locally from the food cooperative, which is usually cheaper than going to the only grocery store in town (price chopper) anyways.
Our kitchen has the following items, for reference:
2-burner hot plate
toaster oven (with only one and a half or four working heat elements)
mini-fridge (my roommate and I each have our own, thank goodness)
george foreman grill
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Y’all Have Inspired Me To Buy A Slow-Cooker
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Original posts by elo3661ga in r/EatCheapAndHealthy on Reddit
No text. Click through above link for lively discussion of the merits of slow cookers vs pressure cookers.
12 July 2019: Update on Slow Cooker/InstaPot
This is crazy. I work at a church in Congregational Care (like when someone dies or is in the hospital or just needs a shoulder). We’re a friendly bunch who genuinely like each other - which is why I found myself asking about their own experiences. And THEN our secretary told me she had given one to her mom and they were still busy cleaning out the house and they found a brand new Crock Pot brand that sautés, slow cooks, and express cooks and cooks rice. Her mom had never taken it out of the box! It was still taped shut!
Our secretary lives close by, so she ran home and got it. People, it was in the box and had never been used! So they just gave it to me with big hugs. The sec’s mom and I had had a great relationship / I spoke at her funeral, etc, I tried to offer payment or make a donation somewhere, but they weren’t having that. Sec said “You know Mom adored you, and I can’t think of anyone she would be more excited to have it”
So I got a brand new crockpot - WITH a removable piece for easier cleaning (see, I was listening!) - and I will remember my hilarious friend Betty when I use it. I’ve named the Crock Pot Betty.
So now I’m really fired up to use it! I can’t start till the weekend, but have tons of your recipes and can find more. I’m SO appreciative of the whole family.
And I’m appreciative of all of your tips and thoughts so I was ready to know what I needed/wanted. I’m shocked that I’m so excited about it, but there you go!
I quit drinking alcohol and I lost some weight, but I’m still drinking soda (cane sugar style) but I want to cut it out, too. What can I drink instead?
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Original posts by SpaceForceAwakens on r/EatCheapAndHealthy on Reddit
I drink a couple of cups of coffee during the day and I dislike tea. What other options are there? Are there any sugar-free sodas that do not suck and taste like kissing grandma? I like the idea of the cane sugar sodas simply because the calorie density is supposed to be lower than that of sodas with HFCS, but I’ve only recently started counting the calories, and whoa.
What do?
Click through above link to read discussion and suggestions.
13 April 2020: Update: I have found new low-calorie drink awesomeness, thanks to this subreddit.
I posted a request for ideas a few days ago for a way to help me cut out soda while still having something to drink throughout the evening. It used to be beer, but now I’m trying to be more healthy, and you guys had a lot of great advice. Like, a lot of advice. You guys are awesome.
The idea that appealed to be the most, by /u/Meewol, was to add some fruit juice to seltzer. I realized just a bit ago that I have a couple cans of LaCroix lime. In addition, I had some Jarritos Mandarin.
So I took a full can of LaCroix to about 1/4 small bottle of Jarritos Mandarin, and this is my new favorite thing. From my math, that’s about 22-25 calories a glass, and it delicious without being overly sweet.
I just got back from the store where I got some mango Jorritos as well as LaCroix. I shall report back.
But thanks, people. I think I’ll stay awhile.
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