Question re: homemade non-stick cooking spray using oil-water-lecithin
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Original posts by u/RealisAurelioS on r/EatCheapandHealthy on Reddit
5 March 2023: Question re: homemade non-stick cooking spray using oil,water,lecithin
I want to use the lecithin but I can’t find any recipes online that indicate how much to use? Everything I’m finding is a 4 to 1 ratio of water to oil, respectively, and then they mention one can add lecithin if they want. Okay…but how much?
Has anyone made this and can suggest how much lecithin to use? TIA for your help!
21 March 2023: UPDATE: DIY non-stick cook spray (all natural)
Hi, all. I posted here a few weeks ago asking about liquid lecithin in a quest to create my own non-stick cooking spray. I was asked to give an update when/if I nailed the ratios, and I think I have achieved success.
In case anyone is interested. What you need:
A Misto oil sprayer (available on Amazon - the cap is used to “pump” air into the bottle which acts as a propellant)
Liquid lecithin (I use NOW brand sunflower)
Your favorite oil (I use olive or avocado)
In the Misto bottle, mix 4 tablespoons of water with 1/2 teaspoon of the lecithin. Shake for a few seconds. Add 1 tablespoon of oil. Tighten and shake vigorously for 2 minutes until well mixed (it will take on an opaque/white appearance). Done!
Why DIY nonstick spray? Oil by itself in my Misto is too thick and ends up coming out in a stream and eventually clogging. The water thins it out but will separate quickly. Hence, the lecithin, which acts as a natural binder for the oil and water. Also, commercial sprayers use alcohol or a benzine-base as a “propellant”. In this version, the propellant is “air” which is pumped into the bottle via the cap. This is why I recommend the Misto. It will give you a continuous mist spray like aerosol after ~30 pumps.
Why not just use olive oil? While olive oil is a “good fat”, it still contains ~15g of fat per tablespoon. I broke down the nutritional analysis of my DIY spray using the myplate app and it comes out to ~9 calories per 5 second spray. If you are eating to be healthy, then by all means, use olive or avo oil. But if you are eating to reduce bodyfat (different from losing weight), then CICO and macros matter. This spray assists in controlling this. Also, I use All-Clad stainless steel that I keep spotless for my cooking. And food still sticks unless you use sufficient oil. I own quite a few non-stick pans of anodized aluminum Calphalon or All-Clad. While they work better than the SS, they do not have the even heat distribution as 3-ply SS.
Another poster pointed me to the new aerosol-type spray bottles by Pompeian brand. They are 100% oil using an air “pouch” for propellant. No other additives. I purchased a 3-pak and all the nozzles were defective so can’t comment on it, yet. But it is an option and available online if you don’t wish to muck around with DIY.
I keep my homemade spray in the frig and the lecithin keeps the solution blended completely - never separates! When I use it, I give a 5 second shake and about 30 pumps for a fine mist spray. Eggs slide right off the SS!
Lecithin is VERY thick and binding. Be careful. It not only helps as an emulsifier, but it also helps aid in the non-stick quality.
I imagine you can double or triple the quantity - just make sure you stick to the ratio.
It is cost effective when you consider the Misto is a one-time purchase for ~$10US, most folks buy cooking oil anyway and the lecithin is ~$15US but will last forever since you only need a wee bit.
Best of all - it’s 3 natural ingredients! (4 if you count the air lol)
Hope this helps someone.
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My new years resolution was to cook 50 new recipes that I had never tried before. Almost halfway through the years and I am hitting a wall at #18. Any ideas for recipes?
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Original posts by u/creditor93 on subreddit r/EatCheapandHealthy and other subs on Reddit
I am really open to anything. I did this to challenge myself since I am new to cooking for myself and my ever grateful boyfriend haha. Could be breakfast, lunch, or dinner, or even dessert. Just need some ideas so I can keep trucking along.
Edit: Wow this blew up!! Thank you everyone for all your suggestions. This is amazing. Will definitely be scrolling through these after work :D
Second Edit: Still shocked at how much attention this is getting. I love it. Thanks everyone for your thoughtful responses. Wanted to add that I have an instant pot, a cast iron pan, an immersion blender, and a zoodle cutter in case that sparks any further inspiration. Again thank you all. Will have to post an update when I cook some of these ideas.
Edit #3: I’m all the way up to 42!! I’ve made shakshuka and chicken pot pie as suggestions from here. Will post a full list once it’s all over and done with.
You may remember my old post from several months ago asking for suggestions. Thanks to all of you I reached my goal and made a TON of stuff.
Also a list of all the things I made! Some didn’t have recipes per se. Some I just improvised. But if anyone wants the rough recipe, I’m happy to link or type it out.
Thanks again to everyone. This has been the most fun challenge and the only time I’ve ever kept a resolution in my life.
All 50 recipes:
1 Spaghetti Squash Shrimp Scampi
2 Guacamole
3 Instant Pot Oatmeal
4 Salt and Pepper Chicken (on the grill)
5 Aloo Jeera (Potatoes with Cumin)
6 Peanut Butter Oat Energy Balls
7 Terriyaki Chicken and Rice
8 Veggie Cous Cous
9 Cajun Shrimp and Rice
10 Black Bean Burgers
11 Chicken Alfredo
12 Chicken Tikka Masala
13 Jiffy Corn Bread in Cast Iron
14 Turkey Chili
15 Blackened Salmon
16 Sweet and Sour Shrimp Stir Fry
17 Cast Iron Chicken Thighs
18 Cast Iron Asparagus
19 Daal Makhani (Lentils)
20 Crispy Pan Seared Salmon
21 Biscuits and Gravy
22 Aloo Gobi
23 Kale and Brussel Sprouts Salad
24 Cast Iron Mac and Cheese
25 Instant Pot Mexican Rice
26 Chicken Fajitas
27 Hummus
28 Pickled Red Onions
29 Braised Chicken Thighs
30 Shrimp Perloo
31 Kale Chips
32 Buffalo Cauliflower Bites
33 Shakshuka
34 Cabbage Vegetable Soup
35 Buffalo Smashed Potatoes
36 Cold Peanut Noodle Salad
37 Falafel
38 Risotto on the stove top
39 Chicken Pot Pie
40 Cast Iron Pizza
41 Chicken Tortellini Soup (AKA Upvote Soup)
42 Butternut Squash Soup
43 Chicken Sharwama
44 Dutch Baby
45 Green Bean Casserole
46 Stuffing for Thanksgiving
47 Dutch Oven Bread
48 Coconut Macaroons
49 Instant Pot Risotto
50 Sugar Cookies
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August 21, 2023 food recipes self-improvement new year’s resolutions
AITA for wanting to move out over lemonade?
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Original posts by u/throwaway_lemon_ade on r/AITA on Reddit
7 August 2023: AITA for wanting to move out over lemonade?
I (22F) moved back home to live with my parents two years ago. My family has always been very close, and my parents actually initiated my moving in so I could focus on building my savings.
Everything’s been great: the house is huge, so no one’s living on top of each other, and my mom has been ecstatic over all her kids being home. I take care of my space as well as shared spaces, doing chores, etc. They’ve refused any rent or grocery money I’ve ever offered, insisting I save most of the money I make. My mom grocery shops for the house, and always asks each family member what they need from the store for the week. I always ask for a 12 pack of canned lemonade. They’re my weak spot, I have one or two a day. My mom has never had a problem getting it for me before.
Recently though, she’s been resistant. Thinking it was about the money, I offered to give her the $5, and when that didn’t help I just started getting it myself, but she still glares at me when I drink it. I’ve kept asking what the issue is, but she just walks away and the next time I see her she’s changed the subject entirely. Things came to a head yesterday when I came home from work with some of my personal groceries, including lemonade. My mom lost it, crying and carrying on about how I don’t care about how anyone else feels. I’m at a COMPLETE loss, trying to calm her down, when she tells me if I’m going to continue with these habits I won’t do it under her roof.
Hearing that, I admit I did snap a bit. I was hurt that she would threaten to kick me out for any reason, considering how close we’ve always been, but especially since I don’t think I’ve done anything even remotely wrong. We got in a huge back n forth, mainly with me demanding she tell me what’s so wrong with me drinking some damn lemonade and her sneering at me saying “you know!”. I eventually stormed off to my room, feeling torn. My brother came in shortly after to talk. He says he understands completely where I’m coming from, but is suggesting I do what she’s asking and just stop drinking the lemonade.
I absolutely could, but at this point it’s sort of the principle. I know I’m living with my parents, but I’m an adult and feel I should be allowed to drink my preferred beverage whenever I please, especially if I’m now paying for it and going out to purchase it myself. It is just lemonade, but it goes both ways; my mom shouldn’t care about it either, because it’s JUST LEMONADE. If she’s insisting I stop drinking it or else I’m getting kicked out, I kinda want to take the initiative and just leave. I have plenty saved at this point. I feel bad because she’s my mom, she’s been so good to me and has given me the chance to gather the savings I now want to use to get away from her. I also feel bad for yelling at her; me getting worked up didn’t help the situation.
AITA for how I acted, or WIBTA if I left over this?
27 February 2023: **UPDATE** AITA for wanting to move out over lemonade?
Sorry I tried editing my original post to include this and it didn’t let me, hope it’s ok to post it here instead.
Ok guys, as mentioned in the comments I asked my mom if we could sit down tonight and have a calm conversation about what happened. My dad wasn’t home but I asked my brother to be there too as a sort of mediator. It was a long, emotional, draining talk and there isn’t a whole lot of resolution but it was very enlightening, finally.
I expressed to her that I’m mostly concerned for her, since her reaction to something seemingly so small has been increasingly intense and it’s starting to affect our relationship. I expressed that I felt confused and sought clarity, and that I felt hurt by her threats to kick me out in general because that’s not the kind of relationship we have. I told her I truly didn’t know what was up with the lemonade, and practically BEGGED her to open up.
She started getting teary, but was mostly calm. Here’s her side, apparently: in May, when this all started, she watched a documentary. They’re kind of her thing, and she watches a variety of genres. This particular documentary was about eating disorders. It discussed the culture/history behind it, the influence of social media, and the warning signs. My mom happened to see a lot of the warning signs in me and my behaviors. (I’m going to clarify here I do NOT and HAVE NEVER struggled with disordered eating, of any kind!). Some of the behaviors are as follows: she rarely sees me eat, I’m relatively skinny, I wear layers most of the time, I have an apple watch, and, of course, I drink low calorie drinks. Namely, ZERO-SUGAR lemonade, which I didn’t think to mention in the original post (but did include in the comments) because I honestly didn’t even think it would be relevant in any way. So basically, she’s been anxious this entire time that I’m withering away from an eating disorder, and every time she’s alluded or asked or demanded I stop drinking my (diet) lemonade, and I continue drinking it anyway, I’m being selfish, flaunting my disordered behaviors, and proving to her that I am, in fact, sick.
That was… a lot to take in. I genuinely didn’t think it would be THAT. Never once occurred to me. I defended myself for every point she made, which I will make again here: I work at a restaurant, nearly every day, usually afternoon into the night, so I’m rarely home for lunch or dinner. I get free food at my job, and pretty much every server there eats at least one of their meals during break, myself included. By the time I get home, I’ll have a snack or something before bed since it’s late, and in the morning I sometimes have breakfast at home but a lot of times I’m not hungry in the AM so i just do my thing until I leave, usually around 12pm, and I pick up food with friends or alone on my way. I know it’s not the healthiest of habits, nor is it the healthiest foods, but I am definitely not starving myself or counting calories. But in my worrywart (love her though) mother’s eyes, she hardly ever actually SEES me eat. When she does see me eat, I also don’t eat large portions, but I don’t think that’s odd since I’m not a large person; I’m 5 feet and around 110 pounds. I wear layers because it’s the fashion I like, sort of a vintage 70’s grungey look. I have an apple watch for the same reason I assume most people with iphones have one, which is, why not? It’s my dad’s old one. Also, it’s helpful for when I’m at work since I can’t carry my phone around. I’m not tracking my steps or anything. And lastly, I honestly, genuinely, truly just LIKE zero-sugar lemonade. Has nothing to do with calories, or health reasons, I just like it. I used to drink regular, until they were out of stock one day so I got zero-sugar, and found I liked it better because it wasn’t as thick or syrupy. THAT’S IT.
She cried, I cried, she apologized, I apologized. I’m not really sure where we go from here, since I can tell she doesn’t fully believe me. I’m going to make more of an effort to eat my meals at home, but I’m not going to pig out in front of her just to appease a generally unfounded worry she developed from watching a movie. I might also cut back on the lemonades since they’re clearly a trigger for her, and I need to drink more water anyway. Other than that, I don’t think I did anything wrong to now need to change my behaviors in an extreme way. I told her, and my brother seconded this, that she needs to stop holding this stuff in and just talk to people, because otherwise it creates misunderstandings like this and I honestly did feel very hurt by the things she said during our fight, and also with how weirdly distant she’s been treating me since all this started. My brother added that if I HAD been dealing with an eating disorder, the way my mom went about it wasn’t helpful and likely could’ve made it worse. She explained she didn’t ever really intend to kick me out even if I was sick, she just wanted to shock me into admitting I needed help or something.
Again, still feeling hurt by all this, but at least I understand better now. I told my mom I’d be willing to try therapy if she does, and she said she’d think about it. I think she really needs it. I asked if she had personal experience with eating disorders, either herself or a loved one, to have such an intense reaction and she declined to answer so I think there’s some trauma there. Hopefully we can both work on communicating better in the future, and I specifically am going to start trying to see the root of her turmoils instead of taking her reactions so personally. I’m not moving out, or at least not because of this. If a pattern continues, if she keeps mistrusting me and lashing out or holding things in again, that might change.
Thank you guys for all your advice! It honestly helped lots to know I wasn’t the only one thinking I was going crazy. I know a lot of people guessed she thought it was hard lemonade, which was my most prominent assumption before our talk, too. Just want to clarify I don’t drink, hate the taste, hate the feeling, and it makes me nauseous nearly instantly. I can count on one hand how many times I’ve had a night out surrounding alcohol or a mimosa brunch or whatever. Which I guess could’ve been why she would be so worried, but it wasn’t even related to that so yea lol. Super crazy few days, hoping for the best moving forward. I’ll try to answer any lingering burning questions in the comments if they come up! Night y’all ✌🏻
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Mother of God, I just got ink on my wife’s favorite quilt.
This is a repost blog.
Original posts by u/mtnbeard12 on r/CleaningTips on Reddit
20 July 2023: Mother of God, I just got ink on my wife’s favorite quilt.
Click through for image of stained quilt.
Compiled from comments:
I need to get this out quick and discreet. How tf do I get this out? Thank you in advance.
Damnit!!! it went all the way through. Sheets were washed and dried today, this is just the mattress protector. <image>
Got some on it now, thanks, but there was an old toothbrush laying beside the oxi for scrubbing. Scrubbed it a bit, but doesn’t seem to be coming all the way out yet. I’ll give it time. She’s chillin on the couch. I’m using the bed to prep some packages for shipping rn.
Thank you all, I’m going with the alcohol next, then maybe hairspray
I got some stuff going here, but no not yet. To clarify, sheets had not been put back on the bed yet so it went straight thru the quilt into the mattress cover. I can cover mattress protector with sheets lol.<image>
No no, I got this. Looks like she’s passed out on the couch thank fuck. I’ll get this out, let it dry, then put the sheets back on the bed real quick in the morn. They will cover the mattress protecter and no one will notice the underside of the quilt. Also, will put the throw back on the bed. It’s towards the bottom where the throw goes. It’s simple, got this. <image>
Update: This is about the best I can do for now. It’s 2 am here. Would be up anyway, but I’m bout to have to tap out. Will give one last soak with the alcohol. Wife is asleep on couch. I’ll ease in there and sleep on other side of the sectional. I will show her in the morn lol. Thank you all for the advice! Will update later as well after more cleaning. <image>
21 July 2023: Morning Quilt Guy Update
It’s almost come all the way out. What do you think? I feel like the area around the initial stain is darker. Probably where I rubbed the hell out of it with soap before posting here. It’s still not dry either, changed out sacrificial washcloth under the quilt. I kinda draped an old t shirt over it as I might typically throw one on the bed when doing chores around the house anyway. Went to town to run some errands and when I came back the shirt was gone. Nothing said. She hasn’t noticed lol. We are both off work doing stuff around the house. Wish me luck.
Update Friday evening : sorry guys been super busy today but it looks way better. It’s pretty well dry now. This has been out in the open all day and not a word was said. I think I may be in the clear. Still looks like a train wreck underneath lol. I’m going to try to wash it tho discreetly. We only ever air dry it. Thank you all the advice and hilarious comments along the way. I ain’t dead yet lol <image>
Friday evening update: I put this in my other post too. It looks way better. Think it needs a run thru the washing machine. I will discreetly mention that lol. We only air dry it so no worries there. This has been out in the open all day and wife has been home. Nothing has been said lol. I may be a dead man walking, but so far so good. I know I said Inwould fess up but gonna try to let this ride for now haha. Thank you all! Hope everyone can see this who wants to see it. I got a lot of laughs from your comments too. I will continue to update <image>
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Help a clueless wife
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Original posts by u/meg0492 on r/Eldenring on Reddit
25 Jan 2023: Help a clueless wife
Hi! (Sorry for formatting… mobile) My husband is obsessed with this game. I’ve never played it but I love watching him. We recently upgraded from Xbox one to ps5 so for his birthday, I got him elden ring for ps5.
My question to you is what would be a fun way to wrap/present it? For example…During the pandemic, I wrapped his gift like an Animal Crossing balloon gift. Last year, I got him TMNT shredder’s revenge so I got an empty pizza box from domino’s and that was the gift box. But I don’t know enough about this game to make the presentation work. Please help! Thank you!
EDIT JFC, you guys are seriously awesome! I was not expecting this kind of response at all. I was actually preparing myself to be ignored or roasted and left to figure this out on my own.
His birthday is tomorrow (Sunday) but he’ll be home all day so I won’t be able to set up until Monday. Which is fine…I think it will add to the surprise! We’re in the States and he works 2nd shift so he’s usually not home until midnightish. I will update all you beautiful people Tuesday, I pinky promise!
Seriously, thank you all. So fucking much. I’m so pumped about this!
27 February 2023: UPDATE from a Clueless Wife
(click through to image gallery of scavenger hunt)
His birthday Elden Ring scavenger hunt was perfect, thanks to the suggestions from this awesome community.
As soon as he walked in the door and saw the first clue, he asked “why is there a note on the door that says ‘Fort, Night’?” He got to the top of the stairs and saw “Dog Ahead” and it started to click. When he saw the “Dog”, his eyes lit up and he was like a little kid on Christmas morning following the notes to his present. It was the cutest thing ever! It made both of us so, so happy. You guys seriously rock. I couldn’t have done it without you :)
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Best Way to Spend Unexpected $75 on Groceries?
This is a repost blog.
Original posts by u/bitterfuzzy on r/EatCheapAndHealthy on Reddit
22 March 2022: Best Way to Spend Unexpected $75 on Groceries?
I recently found out that I’m getting $75 a quarter from my insurance company for groceries, a “perk” of my newly diagnosed health issue.
I only found out last week, so I have $75 to spend by the end of March. My sister is taking me to the nearest grocery store where I can use my OTC card tomorrow; it’s pretty expensive.
I’m looking for healthy foods to stock up on that I won’t be tempted to eat right away (it’s a problem for me). My health needs are: low sodium, no dairy (other than maybe yogurt), no beans.
I was thinking of getting some protein powder. . . I always think of it as something people use to gain weight, but do people use it to fill up, too? I like making smoothies; I usually just add flax or a flax/chia combo I have.
Currently on my list are no sodium canned beets, all natural peanut butter, sardines in water, frozen spinach, almond milk. . .
Any other ideas welcome. TIA.
Click through above link to read discussion and suggestions.
27 March 2022: Update #1: $75 To Spend on Groceries by March 31
Recap: My insurance company is giving me $75 a quarter to spend on groceries because of a new health diagnosis. But I only found out about it about a week ago, and I can only go to a few specific stores. Because I got so many great ideas, I thought I’d share what I bought:
I only spent $40. The store I went to was so crazy expensive. There’s another one nearby where I’ll finish up next week. Walmart is an option, but will have to wait till next quarter. (Too far, I don’t drive)
Here’s what I got:
5 cans unsalted beets. (I put these in smoothies, salads, or just eat
them plain.)
5 cans sardines in water (I’ll eat these plain, on avocado toast, with
some pasta, garlic, and olive oil…I think sardines are way
Eggs (I needed them; i got a box of 18 at a decent price. These are a
2 boxes frozen spinach (I get most of my produce at a bodega)
2 packages extra firm tofu
3 2-quart bottles of seltzer. (I’m stepping down from soda.)
1 pound frozen raw shrimp (on sale, no salt added, and y’all said to
treat myself!)
3 bags microwaveable rice (a waste of money, but I’d never seen lower
sodium flavored rice before.)
The store I’m going to on Tuesday is much better priced. I’m pretty well stocked on pantry items like regular rice, shelf stable almond milk, and spices, so I’m going to focus on getting some more meat for the freezer.
Thanks to all who made it this far. I’ll try to show what I do with some of the stuff.
Alas, no further updates posted to date.
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