I’d like to invite you guys to a private screening of No Way Home
This is a repost blog.
Original posts by u/BombUrCat on subreddit r/miami on Reddit
30 Dec 2021: I’d like to invite you guys to a private screening of No Way Home.
Good evening Miami, i’d like to invite you guys to a private screening of Spiderman: No Way Home on January 1st at AMC Sunset Place at 4:00PM.
The movie has been out for a couple of weeks by this point, but if you haven’t seen it yet, or if you just want to rewatch it, then here’s your chance!
The showing has already been booked, so all you have to do is show up by 3:45PM on Saturday. The limit of people that can attend is 40, so to keep this a little organized, please drop a comment or shoot me a PM.
Thanks everyone, hope to see you guys there! :)
10:43PM EDIT: Hey guys, so far i counted around 22 people, we’ve got some room left but i’ll need PMs from now on so i can address you guys individually. Thanks everyone, and good night! :)
12/30 4:08PM EDIT: Hey guys, I just addressed the last of the PMs that can fit, unfortunately there’s no more room left for new people. Everyone that dropped a comment explicitly expressing interest has a spot for them, and I will be sending those comments PMs to confirm their attendance! If someone drops out/doesn’t confirm their attendance by tomorrow evening, then i’ll post up an availability, so check on this post tomorrow evening for any updates! Thanks so much for all of the positive comments and PMs, and I can’t wait to host another one of these soon.
1/1 11:05AM EDIT: Hi everyone, if you came back to this post over the last couple days, disregard my previous edit, i haven’t messaged anyone (i forgot lol), so if you didn’t get a message, don’t worry! you’re still good unless you tell me otherwise. i’ll see you all today! look for someone in an off-white (the brand) hoodie (wearing something that will help point out the host in a sea of randoms!)
1/1 3:43PM EDIT: Movie time! i’m outside waiting! :)
Who else is going? Did you rent it for yourself just so you could do the reddit meetup? cool idea might go!
pretty much! i felt like this would be a good way to start the new year, hope to see you there!
13 March 2022: I’m back for ANOTHER private showing! This time it’ll be The Batman!
I had fun hosting a private showing last time, and I’d like to do it again, so here we are with The Batman. It’ll be shown at AMC Sunset on Saturday March 19th, at 8:30PM.
This time it’ll be on a first come first serve basis, so try to arrive around 15 minutes before show time.
If you arrive after the movie time starts, just let someone know at the ticket booth that you’re there for a reddit meetup.
Thanks guys, i’ll see you at the movies! :)
8:32pm UPDATE: Not sure if anyone will read this update but i’m already inside, so go inside and ask about the reddit meetup and they’ll direct you to the movie theater, thanks again guys :)
Remember, this is a repost blog! If you comment here, the original poster is not going to see it.
December 30, 2023 movies Spider-Man No Way Home community Batman
What To Do When You Suspect Your Child Is Speech Delayed
This is a repost blog.
Original posts by Heidi on the Advice Smackdown on AlphaMom. Only the original writer’s text is reproduced here; to read Amy Storch’s advice, click through to original links.
Jun 2009: What To Do When You Suspect Your Child Is Speech Delayed
I have read your blogs for months, and I find them to be spectacularly hilarious and full of good advice. I wuv yoo! Anywhoodles, here’s my question…I have a daughter who is 13 months old. While other babies can at least say Mama and Dada, she can’t. She babbles away constantly, and has seemed to master the word “YAH!”. (Which, I’ll admit comes in handy if I want my SO to agree with me. I just ask if she thinks it’s a good idea, and she says “Yah.” From the mouths of babes….) Problem is…That’s the only word she knows, (except for mimicking Mommy’s use of the “F” word…) and she can’t associate words with people or actions. I’ve tried asking, “Up? You want up? UP?!” when she’s holding her arms out, but she doesn’t seem to get it. She can’t associate the two. While most toddlers can at least say Mama & Dada and associate their parents with the words, she can’t. My SO and I talk to her constantly, even if it’s explaining that I’m chopping vegetables for dinner. Point it, we talk to her all the time. I read somewhere to say the words she says back to her, and say things like, “Oh really? That’s so interesting, what else?” And we do that, but she’s just not getting it.
I read in your blog that Noah was/is speech delayed…So, is there
something we can do to help her? Is there a way to tell if your child is
definitely speech delayed? She’s on track with every other area of
development, like motor skills…BTW, we’re kinda broke right now, so
please tell me that’s there’s something we can do besides some expensive
Thank you, O Wise One of the Internets, One that I worship.
Freaked The F Out
7 Oct 2009: Dealing with Developmental-Delay Deniers
I wrote to you some months ago suspecting my daughter has a speech delay. Well, I had her tested and, yeah. She’s 17 months old as of today and she has the speech abilities of a 4 month old, based on the initial assessment. They’re going to do a more in depth evaluation, and the coordinator cautioned, “Now, that number might go up to, say, 6 months. But don’t expect it to magically creep up to 12 months or anything.” But she’s laid out some wonderful programs that are available to help her, and I’m going to tackle the problem head on and whip its ass.
I’m devastated. I cried for twenty minutes after the coordinator left our house. This is my baby girl, my heart, my soul, my everything. The problem I’m having is my boyfriend. He went on to tell me that “See? She’s not delayed! That number will go up and you’ll see she’s just fine. Why, my son [previous marriage] didn’t talk at all until he was two!” My first instinct is to scream at the top of my lungs “SHE IS NOT FINE, DAMMIT! The next person who tells me again that she’s fine gets my foot across their mouth! The assessor said she’s not fine, and quit comparing her to your kids! If your son couldn’t talk until he was two, why didn’t you do something?!” But, I know he’s just trying to make me feel better and in his own way telling me it’ll be alright, so I just clamp my maw shut. He just doesn’t seem to think there’s anything wrong with her, and it’s driving me crazy. He has said IF she’s delayed (if?! Hello! She IS delayed, gahhh!) then he’s on board with speech therapy, but that he still doesn’t think there’s a thing wrong with her. His family also shares his views, and because they’re both nurses, brush me off, all superior-like.
How do I convince the three of them that once and for freaking all
SHE. IS. NOT. FINE? I really, really want to smack the next person who
tells me that but alas, it’s not polite and might even be illegal. I
feel like it’s an insult to me, my child, and the wonderful people
helping us when they tell me that.
Thanks, and BTW — I just want to say you’ve big a BIIIIG help and a
BIIIIG inspiration to me.
Thank you!
25 Dec 2010: Update
Well hello there, gorgeous!
Several months ago, you and your commenters helped me with two MAJOR hurdles in my life: finding out that my daughter WAS speech delayed, and dealing with the people who didn’t want to believe it.
Thanks to YOUR column and YOUR readers, I was able to more or less convince the nay-sayers that my daughter needed help. (My in-laws still think she just magically caught up. Whatevs.) I also bucked up, quit whining about it, and got her enrolled in some pretty intensive speech therapy. Twice a week, every week for six months. Her therapists are nothing short of AWESOME, and when her therapy concluded I bought them both flowers and coffee. I would’ve bought them the moon if I could, I was so grateful and happy.
Amy, she not only CAUGHT UP, she’s ADVANCED. Chloe is just over 2 ½ right now, and she’ll occasionally speak in full sentences. She’s learning to count. She’s just…Wow. She’s amazing me everyday. The best part is now she can tell me, “I love you, Mimi.” As any Mother can grasp, hearing her say those words when just a short time ago she couldn’t even call me Mimi…Well, I tear up and it melts my heart.
If it hadn’t been for me stumbling upon your blogs, this would have never been set in motion.
Thank you and thank your readers for all of the stupendous advice and support. I am forever in your debt.
Thank you again and MERRY CHRISTMAS!
Remember, this is a repost blog! If you comment here, the original poster is not going to see it.
December 25, 2023 parenting speech therapy speech development
Cribs, Toddler Beds…and New Siblings
This is a repost blog.
Original posts by Rachel at the Advice Smackdown on AlphaMom
The original question-writer’s words are reproduced here - to read Amy Storch’s advice, click through to the original link.
29 Oct 2010: Cribs, Toddler Beds…and New Siblings
Dear Amy,
We have a 21 month old son and are expecting baby #2 (a girl this time) a few weeks after his second birthday. I am trying to figure out where my children will sleep after the second one arrives. Currently, our son sleeps in a crib and it is great. He doesn’t try to climb out, we put him in there wide awake and he plays for a bit and then goes to sleep on his own. He usually naps for about 1.5 hours in the afternoon and then sleeps through the night with no problem. Don’t worry, he does lots of other ridiculous toddler things so I am willing to take the good sleeping as a gift from the parenting gods.
The pending arrival of baby #2 means we will have to buy another piece of child-sleeping furniture. The question is, what? Should we buy another crib for the new baby so we don’t have to mess with our son’s situation? Should we transition our son to a bed now because we’re going to have to do it someday anyway and it doesn’t make sense to buy a second crib now and then also have to buy a bed a few months later? If we are going to transition to a bed, do we need to do it ASAP to separate the bed transition from the new baby’s arrival?
I should probably add that we are not going to co-sleep, so we do need a new sleeping space for the baby. Also, we intend for baby #2 to be our last, and are planning to give away our baby stuff after this.
I would really appreciate any advice you or your readers could offer. With all the other expenses associated with a new baby, I don’t want to spend the money on another crib if I don’t have to. On the other hand, I am expecting to be sleep deprived enough with the new baby and really want my son to be sleeping through the night. Help!
Thank you,
– R
p.s. I love love love love your blog and advice column and calendar etc. The pregnancy calendar is the first thing I send to a friend after I learn she is pregnant. Thank you for doing what you do, and congratulations on your new pregnancy (except for the puking part)!!
24 Dec 2010:Update
Dear Amy,
I wanted to send an email to thank you for answering my question, since it looks like I missed the window to post a comment (I wanted to wait until I was sure about the result before saying anything). After reading your column and commenters I waffled for a bit, then decided to take your advice and go ahead and try the big boy bed, and gee. It was a total non-issue. I spent a few days watching him on the video monitor like a hawk and the few times he ventured out of bed I got him right back in it, but overall the transition has been super super easy. No regressions. He sleeps great. He loves his big-boy bed (we bought one from Ikea that uses a full size-mattress (that we already had) but only has it a few inches off the floor).
It is funny to me because I stressed about this for months, and it turned out to be no big deal. Just like my husband said it would be.
Damn.So anyway, chalk this up as another win, and thanks again
for your advice!
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Image post: Picked up the cake today
This is a repost blog.
Original posts by u/jfcrohlo on subreddit r/babybumps on Reddit.
22 Dec 2018: Picked up the cake today; cant wait to cut it open on Christmas eve to finally reveal to our family!
(Click through for pictures of adorable cake with bees)
25 Dec 2018: Many requests were made for an update on the cake once it was cut; I am happy to oblige!
(Click through for the reveal)
From the comments:
But how did it taste? Describe it slowly, please. Was that a lard based frosting or buttercream?
hahaha it’s from the same place that did our wedding cake 6 years ago, so I did the classic almond/vanilla cake with buttercream frosting since it was so delicious and their most popular flavor.
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Fuck it, if this post receives 2000 upvotes I will tattoo a goose on my ass
This is a repost blog.
Original posts by u/SseCn8jx on subreddit r/waterloo on Reddit
Editor’s Note: All updates were made within original post
16 Dec 2016: Fuck it, if this post receives 2000 upvotes I will tattoo a goose on my ass
I’m serious. Let this be the nuclear shitpost that ends the meme war between /r/uwaterloo and /r/UofT.
If I don’t finish the Fall 2016 exam period with a goddamn goose disrupting my ass, I will transfer to /r/UofT and denounce Feridun.
Decide which cheek to disrupt in the comments.
14:05 EST Update: We broke 2000 in about an hour. RIP my ass cheek. This is gonna be glorious. PM me if you can recommend a tattoo artist in Toronto.
Second update: This is definitely going to happen. I owe it to the internet. Over the next few days I will be in touch with some artists to design the actual tattoo. Likely the actual event will happen the first week of January. Thanks also to everyone for offering to fund the tattoo. If we decide to livestream the event, I’d prefer that we set up a site where everyone can donate to a local mental health centre or food bank.
Dec 15 update: Tattoo parlor consultation is booked for tomorrow.
Dec 16 update: The tattoo will happen Friday January 6th.
Jan 5 update: The work will happen tomorrow!
Jan 6 update: Work in progress (Editor’s note: broken link removed)
Final update: Here it is!
Remember, this is a repost blog! If you comment here, the original poster is not going to see it.
December 14, 2023 university of waterloo tattoos geese goose
Catch and release hobo Santa
This is a repost blog.
Original posts by u/HeWritesALine on subreddit r/ThriftStoreHauls on Reddit
12 Dec 2022: Catch and release hobo Santa
(Click through for picture of impressively disheveled Santa)
16 Feb 2022: UPDATE: My husband found the very same Hobo Santa in the basement of his new job.
(Click through for picture of second disheveled Santa)
Remember, this is a repost blog! If you comment here, the original poster is not going to see it.