Ten Year Update

This is a repost blog.

Original posts by eschatfische on metafilter

9 Sept 2006:eschatfische comments on a question about relationships.

I know this story very, very well.

I had that ground-shaking experience back during my senior year in college myself. I too can remember the exact moment I laid eyes on her. And, strangely, I can remember how my stomach sank because I knew it would never happen, since she was so far out of my league. That was 13 years ago.

We hit it off spectacularly as friends (she’s not only beautiful, but also almost incredibly on the same wavelength as I am), loved talking for hours, but things didn’t work out with her romantically. The friendship was taxed by overwhelming romantic tension on my side; I was sore and heartbroken, she didn’t understand.

She moved away and got married to another man, but we stayed friends. It was rare that more than a few months went by without one of us getting in contact. Years and years went by, and I dated, had a few longer term relationships, but I never, ever met another woman who did the same thing for me. I thought I was nuts, or broken, or just heartsick, and wondered when the longing for her would go away.

And then, things changed. Things fell apart with her ex-husband, and she got separated then divorced. We spent hours and hours on the phone. We took trips to see each other, and the awkwardness and tension of our friendship in college became love and passion. There are times when the earth-shaking experience of a lost love is just infatuation, but when we saw each other again, well, I knew that everything I felt then was still there, and that she was just as incredible as she was back in college.

We moved in together over a year ago, and it’s been an incredibly happy, wonderful year for both of us.

We got married on Wednesday, the anniversary of when we met 13 years ago.

I’m unbelievably glad I held out.

13 Aug 2016: A ten year update… and an SF meet-up.

Nearly 10 years ago, I commented on the green about having fallen head-over-heels for a woman only once, back in college - but how, after 13 years of wondering if I’d ever have that feeling again, we ended up moving in together, had just gotten married, and all was right in the world. weapons-grade pandemonium issued a challenge just three minutes later: Update us in ten years, eschatfische. And so we will! gucky and I are pleased to invite Bay Area MeFites to our 10 year anniversary party, featuring a 35mm matinee of When Harry Met Sally, September 10th at 1pm at the Roxie. RSVP information inside.

Spoiler: we’re doing great.

The Roxie’s at:

3117 16th St. (16th at Valencia)

San Francisco, CA 94103

There’s no charge for the screening, and we’ll have light snacks, but seating will be limited. If you’re interested in coming, please just send us an RSVP.

Hope to see you there!

19 Oct 2023: When asked for permission to repost this content, the update is:

Just celebrated our 17th last month!


Remember, this is a repost blog! If you comment here, the original poster is not going to see it.

October 21, 2023